Barron's Picks The Top 25 Annuities 6-20-2011 Article

That is good stuff, but they need to get better resources. American Equity's SPIA is better than all of those named on payout and commissions (not that those matter), but b/c they used Cannex to run the quotes AEL was left off along with a few others.
Also, the IMO/AFMO they used for the FIA research doesn't even have contracts with Aviva or Allianz. I would think those 2 carriers would have something to say about the hypothetical rates of return.

But, the concept was good overall as they didn't bash FIAs.
That chart makes a great case for IAs when you throw in M&E & investment expenses into the returns of the VAs.
The only VA that returned any significant amount more after fees was PAC Life.

So basically it shows how IAs give you a much higher risk adjusted return, and are very close (or do many times) keep up with VAs.