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Hello all. I am desperate to find a solution for my 52 year old father. He has degenerative disk disease in his back. Upon going to the ER two days ago due to not being able to move AT ALL for three days in his bed, he was told he ALSO has 6 bulging discs in his back that were all but herniated. Because they are not herniated, he has no insurance, and has not worked in a few years, he was not deemed an emergency for surgery. He is back in bed and cannot move. He is literally disabled. I'm a single mother of a three year old that is completely taking care of my bed-ridden father. I do not mind because he is TRULY SUFFERING. What are my options for getting him some insurance or ANY kind of help so that he does not live every day of the rest of his life In his bed and without being able to move? It is taking a psychological tole on him, as well. Are there NO solutions for someone who needs to be on disability, but the emergency LITERALLY just SPROUTED UP on us so that JUST became an option?? Disability can take YEARS to get on (I heard) no matter HOW bad off an individual is!! He cannot go this long.... Does anyone have any solutions for getting ANY HELP for a strong man that is incapable of even making it to the bathroom due to immobility?? Can someone PLEASE help us? I have researched and researched. I have even thought outside the box to get him approved for assistance by thinking I could turn a portion of our home into a nursing home situation so that he could be approved for SOMETHING!! That's how far away and desperate we are in finding any solutions at this point. Someone, please help me with a viable solution to help my father walk again. Thank you in advance.