<Batman Symbol in the Sky> HELP! I NEED MORE CAPACITY FOR 5+ [Send me some programs/carriers]


Super Genius
Everyone tell me your best programs for writing 5+ unit of apartments (I already have a ton of 1-4 Unit programs). Help this kitty help his clients save money on their apartments. I am open to RPGs, agency captives, Master Policies, MGAs... I will write with anyone I feel I can trust.
Come on we all know that if you are competitive you win the business lets not fool ourselves into thinking its more complicated than that. Of course you can't go stupidly low on pricing and you have to have good coverage. Really in the 5+ unit space, I just need someone to be at least reasonable to work with. The pricing in the apartment space is way over what it is mathematically need to be profitable in the long run. The rates are very much fear driven.
So once again to bump the post: Let me know if anyone has any unique markets for this class of business without a lecture. Thank you for your service.