Best Lead Company



I'm new to the Health Insurance business and was hoping i could get some advice on where to purchase leads. I've tried an auto dialer and it was terrible. I've never heard more angry people in my live than i did in that two week span. The ROI was really bad to. So i figure i don't want to buy leads generated from auto dialers. Is there any web based company that sells only internet app leads? and which is the best for your money?
I'm new to the Health Insurance business and was hoping i could get some advice on where to purchase leads.

Over the last year or so, in conjunction with a protege I was mentoring, I have tested 10 different IFP health insurance internet lead providers.

The results are strikingly similar, which leads me to believe that there is no "best" source to purchase leads.

Some tout "no link to e-health", or "only search engine generated" which according to my data - doesn't make a damn bit of difference.

So who do you buy from? Look for three keys:

1. A good selection of filters to help you get the type of prospect you're looking for.

2. A liberal return policy (especially for uninsurables) which will help goose your ROI.

3. COST per lead.

$12 leads don't produce any better results than $7 leads.

There's no easy answer, you've got to have a few bucks to work with that will allow you to test, measure, adjust and repeat.

Good luck.
You must have not had the right dialer company, or perhaps the data was stale.

Best way to do leads is to get pre-screened live transfers. There are dozens of companies ( yes - me too ) - but regardless of where you buy them - pay someone else to screen them and only transfer the interested ones.

You can get pre-screened, qualified telemarketed leads from $25 to $15 - just depends on volume and the vendor.

Good Luck,

I used a dialer a year or 2 ago to do loan modifications and had better results. So i know it "use to work". This time around I was using was filtered data that was good but the auto dialer is reaching the end of its life. Before it was a new concept and the average person had no clue what it was. Now when people hear an automated voice they hang up or wait till you pick up to yell or mess with you. Too many people are using auto dialers for too many industries. Also law makers are trying to start cracking down on auto dialers.

Hey sunmed go ahead and give me your email in a message so i put you as a referral when i sign up for Net Quote.
You can generate free health insurance leads out of the leads that you already have, if you just have the ability to interact with people and build a relationship with them.