Mar 9, 2010 #1 Fisher Guru 1000 Post Club 2,138 GA I did a search here and doesn't look too promising but a lot of the posts are old so maybe someone knows something new... Anyone aware of any individual health carriers writing bipolar in Missouri? Gracias
I did a search here and doesn't look too promising but a lot of the posts are old so maybe someone knows something new... Anyone aware of any individual health carriers writing bipolar in Missouri? Gracias
Mar 9, 2010 Thread starter #3 Fisher Guru 1000 Post Club 2,138 GA Dagnabit, there goes my whole month! Ha... Thanks, dude.
Mar 9, 2010 #5 IndividualHealthGuy Guru 100+ Post Club 323 Kansas City, MO None of the major carriers will. Not sure about Cox or Mercy, if you are in their area.