Brand new agent in CA

Congratulations, I feel like property and casualty is a tough market in CA but I'm sure you will figure out how to make it work. I would strongly suggest adding disability insurance to your coffer. I am part of a brokerage that can help you with that, we are independent and have contracts with a majority of the carriers. I would love to talk to you more about it.

what's the name of your brokerage?
and what is your position with them?
I do a couple different things. I do case design and quoting for agents on business they are processing as a writing agent. I am also licensed and run a concierge service for agents that includes taking applications and processing business through underwriting so you can step back more. I am licensed nationwide for that. We have options for you and have an entire team that knows DI inside and out.
Everybody is so negative, the guy just wants to make money and you make it seem like nobody is doing anything.

There's a ton of business with car insurance, specially with coverages just increasing. People are actively looking to purchase car insurance. Just yesterday we insured a 2022 Audi with 3 drivers, full coverage for around $500 a month. Yes, premiums went up but people will pay.

Homeowners is obviously not the market right.

Life is always a market, just need to find the prospects who want to buy. In Life sales, for every 10 qualified clients, you'll be getting 4-6 policies.
Everybody is so negative, the guy just wants to make money and you make it seem like nobody is doing anything.

There's a ton of business with car insurance, specially with coverages just increasing. People are actively looking to purchase car insurance. Just yesterday we insured a 2022 Audi with 3 drivers, full coverage for around $500 a month. Yes, premiums went up but people will pay.

Homeowners is obviously not the market right.

Life is always a market, just need to find the prospects who want to buy. In Life sales, for every 10 qualified clients, you'll be getting 4-6 policies.
True on life and car insurance. I would also add that disability insurance is also a market that is very profitable over the long haul. Many carriers will pay commissions on a policy for 10 years.