BYSIS pros and cons


5000 Post Club
Bysis is a general agency that is often recommended in discussion groups. Anyone here have long term or shorter term experience with them? What are their strengths and weaknesses. I know that at the high end of production, some producers always find a better payout somewhere, but in general, how good or bad are they all around for life and annuities support and payout. I know it all depends etc, etc, but you get the drift.


I have used them before, they are fair. They contacted me recently wanting to know what they could do to get more of business, I told them what I was earning on a few carriers and that I was getting annualization. They don't annualize and wouldn't match my comp.
I've sold a few DI policies through Bysis that I couldn't write through the companies I'm appointed with and had a fine experience. I received my quotes promptly and appointment paperwork processed quickly as well. As far as payouts, I get higher payouts for life elsewhere. So far so good though, but I've only had 2 experiences.
I have used them before, they are fair. They contacted me recently wanting to know what they could do to get more of business, I told them what I was earning on a few carriers and that I was getting annualization. They don't annualize and wouldn't match my comp.

What does annualize mean in this instance. You mean advance or?

