Can 5 Questions and Predictive Analytics Really Help Choose the Right Health Plan?

Brian Anderson

Executive Editor
100+ Post Club
Interesting blog (link below) on Washington Post site about Picwell, a new company from University of Pennsylvania professors that uses predictive analytics to help people shop for best coverage with help of only a handful of questions – age, sex, zip code, medications, and their doctor.

Minnesota's exchange recently hired the company to determine whether people shopping in the marketplace ended up purchasing the best coverage for them.

Story also talks about similar online decision-support tool providers, including Liazon. Quote below is from Liazon's Alan Cohen:

"There's always a battle between asking more and more information and making it easier to get through. The perfect recommendation engine would have someone sit down for an hour and answer questions, but you can't do that. You have to be able to get people in and out."

Can technology pick the perfect health plan for you? - The Washington Post
Doesn't ask if you have chronic conditions or disabilities? Doesn't ask if you are a heavy user or light user of coverage? Doesn't ask if you primarily see your PCP or specialists? Doesn't ask if you travel, are currently in college, or seek alternative treatment (acupuncture, holistic medicine, etc.)

In the time it takes to read the instructions, we can get more information from a client and make a better recommendation. Might be better than no support, but won't be as good as an insurance professional.