Can Current Adminstration Change Anything About 2025 Medicare Prescription Drug Plans?


Can the design of the 2025 Medicare Part D plans be changed through an executive order by the current administration? In particular, the $2K max out of pocket was enacted in the Inflation Reduction Act and I know that certain parts of that Act have already been a target of executive order. Please, no political diatribes. Just the facts, ma'am. Thanks. I'm getting a lot of calls with concern about this.
100% no. You can't change a law with an executive order, and you can't rescind the carrier's 2025 contract absent egregious misconduct. The Rs can try to change the law but it's unlikely they'd walk back everything.

Despite what we sometimes see, the new law is benefitting a lot of seniors and politicians rarely take away something from older people. That's why we have some 30 million people in Advantage plans that cost taxpayers more than OM. (They love $0 premium "all in one" plans with free bandaids, groceries, and dental … and they vote.)

Trump's not gonna be the president who brings back the donut hole.

They have some flexibility with the Part D demonstration project. Again, Trump's not going to be the president who lets drug companies increase premiums 2x. If anything, he'll throw more money at these things and claim credit for saving seniors money.