Canadian IT Firm Wins Exchange Contract

Good to see that we're awarding contracts to companies within our state (or our country, for that matter):

Crain's Chicago Business : Subscription Center

Stuy119, there's something that Crains does to its links so that you can view the story by clicking on the link at the Google Search Page, but once you paste it into a forum, or send it by e-mail, the story can only be seen if you subscribe to Crains. Pretty sneaky of them!

Anyway, here's some text from the story:

"The federal government will initially set up the online exchange for Illinois, where an estimated 486,000 individuals and small businesses are expected to compare and buy health plans in its first year. Enrollment begins Oct. 1, for coverage mandated under the Affordable Care Act to begin Jan. 1, 2014.

CGI, a Montreal-based IT firm, will help conduct preliminary work for the exchange and provide IT services to the Illinois Department of Insurance, but the bulk of the company’s work would come in 2015 if the state Legislature approves a law to create a state-based exchange."

The state of Illinois is so deep in the red, that the FEDS will probably control the ObamaCare Exchange Sales for longer than 2014...quite a few years longer.


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