CGL for General Contractor Specialized in High Rises.


New Member
I'm having trouble finding a carrier for a General Contractor that specializes in painting, waterproofing, and repairing exteriors of buildings. No one seems to like the amount of high rise work he does.
We used Ramsgate Insurance as a broker to Century Insurance who turned it down due to high rise work.
Other carriers did not like the waterproofing aspect.

I'm a new agent working for a new agency so I'm just trying to learn as much as I can here.

Any suggestions or info is appreciated.
It depends.
Where is the prospect?
And where are they working?
What is their history?
What/who do you have access to?

The devil is in the details....
Where is the prospect? S. FL
And where are they working? S. FL
What is their history? new company, Principal has been in the industry for 15 years
What/who do you have access to? been dealing with brokers and MGA's

The problem I'm facing is he specializes in painting, waterproofing, and concrete restoration of buildings. Mostly residential condos over 5 stories. I can't seem to find a carrier willing to cover all three exposures and high rises
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Where is the prospect? S. FL
And where are they working? S. FL
What is their history? new company, Principal has been in the industry for 15 years
What/who do you have access to? been dealing with brokers and MGA's

The problem I'm facing is he specializes in painting, waterproofing, and concrete restoration of buildings. Mostly residential condos over 5 stories. I can't seem to find a carrier willing to cover all three exposures and high rises.

Which brokers have you contacted in regards to this risk?
Try Burns & Wilcox in your area .They are execellent with General contractors.I have few accounts with them.
Try the major national brokers like Crump, Burns, CRC, etc. It is going to be expensive because it is a new venture doing high hazard work without much in the way of a rating basis (sales/payroll) so UW's are unsure about how to get enough premium fir the exposure. I know he has prior experience but the UW is wondering if it is good or bad experience and why they folded if it is good experience. A detailed resume, business plan, etc would be helpful along with the client knowing and expecting a rather high minimum premium.