Claim History Online Still Show Incident from 1999, Can They Do That?


when I log into my insurance policy account online, I can see claims dating back to 1999. Is the insurance allowed to keep the records that long?

in 1999, someone hit my car parked in airport parking lot while I was away....
she left a note.. I filed a claim with her insurance company... but the incident
showed up on my record anyway... but it is correctly listed as the other party's
fault and her insurance company did pay the claim.... so I'm not really sure it's
on my policy's account history anyway... especially something from 15 years
ago? Or are insurance companies like elephants and never forget? :)

(in case someone is wondering why I asked so many questions recently.... I have NEVER looked at my auto policy and figure out what's what... until recently... I just kept paying without undestanding what I'm paying and how insurance really works.... probably not very wise on my part! :D )
I'm not sure if its regulated by law or if its competition between companies (probably the former), but in Florida, you won't receive any surcharge points for stuff over 3 years (sometimes over 35 months with some companies). They started coming up with 5 year claim free and 3 year violation free discounts. So if they don't ding you with points for stuff after 3 years, they take away the discount for stuff after 3 years but under 5 years. With violations, there are tickets they may waive and not charge points on (i.e. expired registration) but you won't receive the 3 year violation free discount.
In most cases you will see your claims but your only being rates on anything from the last 5 years for accidents and 3 years for violations depending on your states laws Our state uses that for guidelines that they can't rates you on accidents over 5 years ago