CMS Telephone Guideline Question???


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Hi, I need some advice on this one. I have a number of over 65 internet leads I have saved this past year for this Medicare season. Does CMS have any guidelines on the "age" of these leads? For example, can I call a lead I purchased in Jan. 09 as long as I use the MC supplement verbage, send a SOA form, etc? Or would CMS consider it some type of "illegal cold call"? Thanks
There is no med sup script. You do not need an SOA for a med sup. You will get in trouble if you are cold calling for med sup while knowing what you really want is MA business. This is one of the most important rules of engagement. Are you kidding us?
OK Thanks. I forgot that all the CMS crap pertains only to MA plans. Brainfart. Thanks
SOMEONE SAID- "For example, can I call a lead I purchased in Jan. 09"
If that person really was interested in looking around the chances are they already found what they are looking for. You need to work those leads the minute they come into the office.
Hi, I need some advice on this one. I have a number of over 65 internet leads I have saved this past year for this Medicare season. Does CMS have any guidelines on the "age" of these leads? For example, can I call a lead I purchased in Jan. 09 as long as I use the MC supplement verbage, send a SOA form, etc? Or would CMS consider it some type of "illegal cold call"? Thanks

The first problem you will run into is the Do Not Call list. You must scrub your names every 30 days. If you have not cold-called regularly and all of a sudden you start during MA AEP, you will look as guilty as sin. I would also recommend recording all of your calls just in case you are ever confronted by CMS. Here's my point:

I have cold called for med supps this entire year and every every call is recorded( we're talking many 1000's). If I call someone today for a med supp and they mention that they have a MA(and they will tell you which company), if that company is disenrolling folks,then I send a SOA without discussing switching on the phone. If CMS ever comes calling, I can prove to them that I am simply doing what I have always done and hopefully prove to them that I am not cold-calling for MA's.

My question to other agents, if the subject comes up in conversation as I am talking about med. supps. can I legally speak to them about their MA on the phone, or set an appointment, or do I have to wait for the SOA?
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The first problem you will run into is the Do Not Call list. You must scrub your names every 30 days. If you have not cold-called regularly and all of a sudden you start during MA AEP, you will look as guilty as sin. I would also recommend recording all of your calls just in case you are ever confronted by CMS. Here's my point:

I have cold called for med supps this entire year and every every call is recorded( we're talking many 1000's). If I call someone today for a med supp and they mention that they have a MA(and they will tell you which company), if that company is disenrolling folks,then I send a SOA without discussing switching on the phone. If CMS ever comes calling, I can prove to them that I am simply doing what I have always done and hopefully prove to them that I am not cold-calling for MA's.

My question to other agents, if the subject comes up in conversation as I am talking about med. supps. can I legally speak to them about their MA on the phone, or set an appointment, or do I have to wait for the SOA?

Recording the call and keeping it will allow you to speak to them about MA/PDP if they bring it up. You have record that they brought it up, os, there is no problem.
VAdwayne-- Why would you send them a SOA, if you are only selling medsupps, especially if you are3 recording the conversation which is thier preferred method (over SOA). Just curios is this needed or over kill. Thanks
Depends on what day of the week it is. :D

I think the rule is 90 days for MA and Part D. SOA only last 90 days from what I understand as well.

Yep if the beneficiary is on the federal Do Not Call List, the​
permission is only 90 days for an inbound call. But yes the SOA only applies to MA not Med Supp.