Commercial Insurance


I want to start prospecting commercial insurance. I sold commercial pest control for six years and feel very comfortable in that environment. This is probably to vague of a question to ask, but of the companies that the agency I work for offer, the two "biggest" are The Hartford and Travelers. If I'm targeting restaurants, which of these two are better to offer? I'm sure they both have pros and cons and am just trying to gather information.
Not sure where you are located but Travelers is a major player on restaurants in my area along with Allied/Nationwide, CIG (A CA company), Golden Eagle (a liberty company) and Farmers/Zurich. As you prospect for restaurants you will run into the players in your area.
Both are great companies.The only way to know is if you run quotes with both companies then you can compare one to the other.Usually their is a difference in premium and their might be a difference in coverages.
Why offer only one? Tell restaurant owners you represent sev'l excellent companies two of which are...:goofy:
I want to start prospecting commercial insurance. I sold commercial pest control for six years and feel very comfortable in that environment. This is probably to vague of a question to ask, but of the companies that the agency I work for offer, the two "biggest" are The Hartford and Travelers. If I'm targeting restaurants, which of these two are better to offer? I'm sure they both have pros and cons and am just trying to gather information.

Hmmmm, why not target pest control companies? Have you considered putting together a pest control group for them since you know the workings of that industry and maybe know some of the biz owners. You could do 1 group for the pkg and another one for their WC. Even if they already have a group policy and they probably do, they should want to shop it around every few renewals...luck.
Humm... Sonny Boy has a point. You know that industry and can talk their language. If in the midwest and your agency represents West Bend, their NSI subsidiary has a nice program for the industry. Also, check out Philadelphia Insurance.
Wouldn't be a bad idea to start with your MGA's. Ask them about the competitiveness of their restaurant markets. Depending on your contracts your direct markets may pay a higher commission however.
I want to start prospecting commercial insurance. I sold commercial pest control for six years and feel very comfortable in that environment. This is probably to vague of a question to ask, but of the companies that the agency I work for offer, the two "biggest" are The Hartford and Travelers. If I'm targeting restaurants, which of these two are better to offer? I'm sure they both have pros and cons and am just trying to gather information.

The Hartford don't like restaurants much , Travelers is much better if liquore sale is not high.