Comparing Bronze Plans


100+ Post Club
Does ANYONE have a clue on the plan comparison charts/table?

I am comparing some plans

and the in network cost has a blank box on some of the coverage.

I called in and talked to like a million people everyone gave me a different answer.

1. no coverage
2. its free no cost (but some has words like no cost/nocharge/ $0)
3. glitch in system
4. i have no idea
5. restart it and see
6. it means you're not eligible for the plan
7. call us
8. call the carrier
9. you answer it ....
I thought this shopping on was supposed to be as easy as shopping on Amazon? What happened?
i just recently started looking into this health care stuff...

i called the exchange number a bunch of times to clarify things, they are VERY quick in answer and picking up the phone.

BUT, every single person gives a different answer for any question you ask

there are times when i asked a question, i can hear a click then goes MUTE, then comes back and gives me a generic answer. Sounds like someone is monitoring the "hard" or "do not answer" questions.
there a number of sites u can go to and get 2014 Obamacare quotes that work right now without using the site. I do not represent BCBS but u can go get urself an obamacare quote at their website and look at the outline of benefits statement as well, that is easy to understand. Be prepared for sticker shock though. Feel free to private message me if have difficulty and I will try and help.
Milkman, family planning (and others with the empty box) may be w/o a fee if considered as 'preventive care' with all ACA plans. Search preventive care in
the healthcare gov website.