Comparing Futurity First Opportunity with AIO


100+ Post Club
I'm looking for some advice from anyone that would be qualifed to answer due to personal experience. Currently, I'm deliberating on 2 different health and life insurance marketing positions. One is with Futurity First, and the other is American Insurance Organization or AIO. The real problem that I'm having is that I really only have about 20-25 hrs./wk but this may vary sometimes depending on my current work schedule. (I work with a church) I really like the opportunity with FFIG because of having true local support and I'd learn how to expand my sales beyond just life and health. AIO is relatively attractive from the standpoint that I'd be able to build an agency, they have great carriers to work with, and their commission structure and bonuses seem to be pretty straight forward. What I'm worried about the most, what will happen when I have a week where church work keeps me from being able to do 20-25 hrs. But FFIG offers health insurance, 401k matching, marketing, etc. (which I've never seen in this market)
Can anyone help?
I think these are some questions you should ask yourself...

If you can only/want to commit yourself to 20-25 hours a week for your business, what are your goals?

Is this 20-25 hour period each week, going to give you time during the day(So you can telemarket, do B2B...etc.) or is it going to be evening hours (Working internet leads).

With Futurity First, what does "local support" mean?

Does it mean some manager is there to break your balls, over why you don't have a sale today?

Or, is this someone who has proven success in Insurance Sales and is your mentor?

As to AIO and building your agency, aren't they talking about building up their downline vs. focusing on your agency?

How much do the Health, 401k benefits...etc....cost you at Futurity First
These are all good questions that I've already asked myself. Frankly, I'm not sure how to answer all of them. The reality is that I've worked very hard for the past 3 years in health insurance with a little bit of focus in life and med supp business.
I thoroughly enjoy meeting people and helping them find the best products to meet their perceived needs and their actual needs. Most individuals don't know what they really want, but they do want to understand what's going on in the market and based on this, getting an idea of the best product for their needs.
So, if I'm going to do anything in this industry, it's going to be from this angle or approach. Whether or not FFIG can help me to excel in this or not, I don't know. Here are some of the pros and cons as I see it.
The areas that I find attractive with Futurity First are the following:
1) Local Support, Training, and marketing
2) Solution based selling that is focused on clients needs first
3) Product portfolio is solid, but they don't include every carrier under the sun, only a select group of top rated companies.
4) Expanding my current sales knowledge beyoned major med and life to include med supp, annuities, and LTC/DI.
5) Focus on career agents:matching 401K, 50/50 split on health insurance, and they pay half of FICA as well as take care of all other taxes for typical w-2 wages.
6) They pay E/O
7) They help pay for leads, etc.

The areas that I'm questioning about the opportunity are:
1)Commissions are extremely low (eventhough they pay 50% for all business on submit except health)
2)I will be captive to their carriers, and there are other good companies to work with.
3)I'm not sure that my part-time status with them will yield the results I want. (they are willing to let me work with them at 20-25 hrs./wk.; but I'm a full-time associate minister; there may be weeks where I can't put that much time in, and when you take into consideration going from a 20% to 22% commission rate on health to 14% to 17% with them, I'm not sure that this is the smartest decision; plus my life commissions will drop by about 40%)

What do you think?
If you have 3+ years experience in Health Insurance Sales, why do you need them?

Why not just go through an IMO like Health Choice One, Todd King, HealthGeneralAgent, etc....and get you 20-22% contracts.

Plus there are ample IMO's on this board who can also help you with Life, LTCI, Med Supp contracts, who won't dip into your kitty.

By going the Futurity First route , you are give up about $100-200 per case for major medical. They can't offer that much support!

As an Insurance Broker, I'm sure you are aware of the fact you are a Self-Employed Business Owner.....Why not go with an organization who will give you access to top contracts and pay for the health insurance, E&O insurance, 401k(in this economy what is the point with that?) leads yourself?

Why limit your earning potential by being captive?

Do you feel like you still need the training? And if so, exactly what kind of training/support do you specifically desire?
Plus there are ample IMO's on this board who can also help you with Life, LTCI, Med Supp contracts, who won't dip into your kitty

By going the Futurity First route , you are give up about $100-200 per case for major medical. They can't offer that much support!

As an Insurance Broker, I'm sure you are aware of the fact you are a Self-Employed Business Owner.....Why not go with an organization who will give you access to top contracts and pay for the health insurance, E&O insurance, 401k(in this economy what is the point with that?) leads yourself?

Who would you recommend that gives good training on LTC, Annuities, MED Supp and also offers the "benefits" with leads provided?

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I'm sorry...I read your post incorrectly about an IMO providing leads, etc. I missed that this was to be paid by myself.
The main issue with this is that I don't have the ability to spend any money let alone $200-$300/wk. in leads because we just moved down here to NC from OH and we are paying on mortgage in OH still. (plus, I'm not going to go into debt using credit cards, etc. to pay for leads)
My current marketing arrangement allows me to order 20 telemarketed leads per week and then I pay for these out of my sales. Being in a new market, I'm afraid to waste a ton of money upfront to "learn" the business here.
Also, keep in mind that this is something that I'm looking for that is part-time...looking to make at least $2k/month extra.
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Do you feel like you still need the training? And if so, exactly what kind of training/support do you specifically desire?

Training in the areas of LTC, DI, MED SUP, and Annuities is what I'd like to have....and as far as support goes...I would like to have a similar arrangement as I had when I worked with manager booked appointments and I went and closed them. (I'm sure this is "wishful" thinking, but what I'm getting at is that I don't want someone to just tell me to go get em' and give me a bunch of pep talks about how their writing $60k/wk. in AP)
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These are all good questions that I've already asked myself. Frankly, I'm not sure how to answer all of them. The reality is that I've worked very hard for the past 3 years in health insurance with a little bit of focus in life and med supp business.
I thoroughly enjoy meeting people and helping them find the best products to meet their perceived needs and their actual needs. Most individuals don't know what they really want, but they do want to understand what's going on in the market and based on this, getting an idea of the best product for their needs.
So, if I'm going to do anything in this industry, it's going to be from this angle or approach. Whether or not FFIG can help me to excel in this or not, I don't know. Here are some of the pros and cons as I see it.
The areas that I find attractive with Futurity First are the following:
1) Local Support, Training, and marketing
2) Solution based selling that is focused on clients needs first
3) Product portfolio is solid, but they don't include every carrier under the sun, only a select group of top rated companies.
4) Expanding my current sales knowledge beyoned major med and life to include med supp, annuities, and LTC/DI.
5) Focus on career agents:matching 401K, 50/50 split on health insurance, and they pay half of FICA as well as take care of all other taxes for typical w-2 wages.
6) They pay E/O
7) They help pay for leads, etc.

The areas that I'm questioning about the opportunity are:
1)Commissions are extremely low (eventhough they pay 50% for all business on submit except health)
2)I will be captive to their carriers, and there are other good companies to work with.
3)I'm not sure that my part-time status with them will yield the results I want. (they are willing to let me work with them at 20-25 hrs./wk.; but I'm a full-time associate minister; there may be weeks where I can't put that much time in, and when you take into consideration going from a 20% to 22% commission rate on health to 14% to 17% with them, I'm not sure that this is the smartest decision; plus my life commissions will drop by about 40%)

What do you think?
warning , don't work with Futurity First , I asked for marking help for over a year , no help, they shut down the offices in the Seattle area with no warning to the agents . Instead of helping the brunch grow , they shut it down and kick the agents out. if a company is going to take your commission , they should also be helping you make a profit .. They have done this three times in Washington state ( I heard this from other agents ). I have been in the business a very long time and it's amazing to me how short sighted they are. Futurity First was also just purchased by Senior Market Sales , So, I am not sure if this as anything to do with this, I am just an agent , So I am kept out of the loop .