Considering a Course Correction


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Hello, guys. I've finally decided to go back to college, and try and finish my bachelors degree. From there, I'm seriously considering Law School, partly because I've always wanted to be a lawyer, partly because of the money. :biggrin:

Anyway, I am trying to figure out what to do about my insurance career while I go to college. I don't want to give it up, (I may become an estate attorney), but I'm not sure that my independent agency can generate the income that I'll need. I make an average of 1200.00 per month, between the insurance business and my trailer park, if I don't have any new production. With my average production, I usually make around 3k a month. The only minor problem is, it takes nearly all of my time to generate that kind of income. I won't be able to spend nearly as much time with the insurance business as I am now, once I start school. As an independent agent, I don't really see any way for me to get into P&C, without joining a larger agency/ captive.

I was wondering if you guys have any advice as to what way I should go. I could get a job, part time, with NC Farm Bureau, or the local State Farm agency. Or, I could continue as an independent, with only L&H products, and hope that between residuals, and my trailer park, that I'd make it.

Thanks, Dave