Coverage for "Acts of War"

I overheard someone saying that if the Boston bomber was classified as an enemy combatant, than the bombing would be considered an act of war. He went on to say that “Acts of war” are typically not covered by insurance companies.

Does anybody know if there is any validity to this? Or is it just someone who doesn’t know what he’s talking about spouting off?
Yes, Acts of War are not covered under a typical P&C policy.

Look under the exclusions on your Homeowner's policy for example.
Thanks for the response. Would it necessarily be considered an Act of War if he is classified as an enemy combatant by the government or would that be up to the insurance companies?

They may try to argue that point but I would doubt it. It would be a public relations nightmare for them on a pretty grey interpretation. The loss from a financial standpoint wasn't large either in comparison to 9/11 where the amount of injuries and the building damage were huge numbers.