Current Auto Insurance Agent Notified if Client is Looking Elsewhere for Insurance?


New Member
Does anyone know if a person's current auto insurance agent is notified if one of their clients are looking elsewhere for cheaper rates? When shopping around, insurance agencies always ask who your current provider is. Does this info. get back to a person's current provider?

Does anyone know if a person's current auto insurance agent is notified if one of their clients are looking elsewhere for cheaper rates? When shopping around, insurance agencies always ask who your current provider is. Does this info. get back to a person's current provider?


No, it doesn't. They ask to verify credible coverage and some companies use previous company in part of their rates (such as a standard vs non-standard carrier). The insurance company is not notified of this unless you tell them you are shopping around.
When I worked for a top 3 insurance company
they started a program(about 1.5 years ago)

When someone is shopping at say for insurance
They put in their information(birthday, prior insurance co) would sell that information to the prior insurance co
and the prior insurance co. would then notify the agent to try and save that client

We were advised not to tell the client we knew they were shopping, just randomly wanted to call and say hello
interesting Rudy. And quite frankly I'm not all that surprised to hear that. Have to admit, that's pretty slick!

Just one more reason people should get quotes from agents and not lead gen sites.
Does anyone know if a person's current auto insurance agent is notified if one of their clients are looking elsewhere for cheaper rates? When shopping around, insurance agencies always ask who your current provider is. Does this info. get back to a person's current provider?


Heck no. I get people in my office daily looking to switch from another agent in town to me. There's no way I'd notify the current agent they were shopping with me. If the prospect wants to, then that's their prerogative. Those other agents do the same when my clients shop with them, its just part of the business and I don't think any agent takes it personally.
Lead gen sites will sell data anyway they can. An insurance agent won't sell 'shoppers' back to the carrier, why would they. Just depends where the origin is in the OP's question.

Thing about it though, a lead gen site, selling you a lead saying the person is shopping and is interested in insurance and then selling the same data back to the original company saying don't let this person go...... totally defeating the purpose of you buying the lead in the first place!!!!

Thanks for the responses, everyone. That's helpful. Sounds like doing it online is the most likely way for it to somehow get back to my current insurance agent. Thanks again!