

Super Genius
100+ Post Club
As my insurance career rolls along I find that I am becoming more and more cynical. I've also noticed this with other agents. What is it about this industry that breeds cynicism? Is the politics of it? The underwriters, sales reps, and managers? Or is it simply working within an industry so predisposed to fraud, and abuse that we are constantly on guard. Think about it a minute. The last time someone told you about a great new health insurance plan what did you think? Me, I thought where's the catch, is it really a mini med? discount plan? or is the UW a pain? Or are they paying low commissions? Then if nothing is wrong with it I think it'll be good while it lasts. I find that instead of approaching new carriers, and plans with optimism I am approaching it with skepticism. Maybe after you've been around the block a few times you start to think that there are potholes everywhere. Any thoughts?
I relate things in a critical manner. I try to look at things objectively while employing critical thinking skills. I feel it is prudent to view things from a critical perspective, but improper to view things as a cynic. One method is positive, the other is negative. There is enough negativity in the world that I prefer not to exacerbate things by engaging in such behavior or mingling with such people.
As my insurance career rolls along I find that I am becoming more and more cynical. I've also noticed this with other agents. What is it about this industry that breeds cynicism? Is the politics of it? The underwriters, sales reps, and managers? Or is it simply working within an industry so predisposed to fraud, and abuse that we are constantly on guard. Think about it a minute. The last time someone told you about a great new health insurance plan what did you think? Me, I thought where's the catch, is it really a mini med? discount plan? or is the UW a pain? Or are they paying low commissions? Then if nothing is wrong with it I think it'll be good while it lasts. I find that instead of approaching new carriers, and plans with optimism I am approaching it with skepticism. Maybe after you've been around the block a few times you start to think that there are potholes everywhere. Any thoughts?

Yep, lots of thoughts. All of what you say is true. All it means is that you are a "seasoned agent" and doing what all of the rest of us do every day. Only the "green, new agents" will fall for that without doing extensive research. That is not a "slam to new agents". Life's tuition is very expensive. We have all "been there, done that, got the t-shirt".

I don't think it is limited only to insurance today. It's everywhere. Just read some of the spam e-mail you get. Anyone who isn't skeptical today is going to get ripped off with doing a lot of research.
After you been around the block a few times you relize that there is nothing new under the sun. It's mostly the same ol BS dressed in new cloths.
I think insurance man got it.

We see the same offer...make $250,000 a year selling blah blah blah...

We get post cards in the mail about it, spam, actual emails, etc.

Then there are the agents that are out to make a buck and make the industry harder for us all. They screw over people (sometimes they do not know any better due to lack of training), and then we get there later in life and they still have that bad taste in their mouth.

Don't forget about the public. They spend 3 weeks looking for a car, and 3 minutes looking into insurance. Love that!

But, don't let this post get you down. Just rise above all this. When people see that you know what you are talking about, are doing right by them, and have a personality, you will go far in this wild wild world of insurance!