Dean: Individual Mandate is Toast

As was planned all along. Anything to speed along the destruction of the private insurance system. Single payer her we come.
I'm dumbfounded. Are these people clueless, or what!
Comment to Dr. Dean. Let's change the word "health" to "fire". Why would anybody be stupid enough to waste money and buy fire insurance on their home, for years and years, when they could just buy it while their house is burning down to the ground?
As was planned all along. Anything to speed along the destruction of the private insurance system. Single payer her we come.

If the US Government Single Payer plan has to play by the same restrictive rules that are being imposed on the private industry between 9/23/10 and 2014, the Government would have to raise everyone's taxes by thousands of dollars per year. Everything from obesity counseling to cancer treatment would be covered immediately and bring the federal budget to its knees.
If Howard Dean says it, then it must be true:

The individual mandate will be gone by 2014

In his view, it's ok - we don't need it.
I moved to Vermont in 1994, the year after their health care reform. All but 12 carriers (including VT HMOs) had left the state. Most of the 12 were trying various strategies to avoid issuing new coverage (I know because I tried to apply to all 12).

VT rates at time of reform went up about 30%. Rates dropped about 10% each of the next 2 years, because very few Vermonters knew about the guaranteed issue. A couple of years later, when the uninsured public had begun to catch on, I got a rate increase of over 50%.

VT is pretty, but unaffordable. Socialism doesn't work. Single payer will just defer the expense.
I saw Deans essay on the HuffingtonPuffington Post this morning and have been trying to figure it out ever since.....

Something smells here.

Without a severability clause, the whole bill goes away if the individual mandate gets struck down....I just can't fathom that Dean doesn't/wouldn't know this.....have the Dems (or a faction) realized the scope of the storm coming their way and want out of the whole HCR deal? Something is up here IMO.
I saw Deans essay on the HuffingtonPuffington Post this morning and have been trying to figure it out ever since.....

Something smells here.

Without a severability clause, the whole bill goes away if the individual mandate gets struck down....I just can't fathom that Dean doesn't/wouldn't know this.....have the Dems (or a faction) realized the scope of the storm coming their way and want out of the whole HCR deal? Something is up here IMO.

You're very perceptive, Post Quartermaster. What we are seeing right now with Child-Only suspensions is just a small taste of what insurance companies would do if the Insurance Purchase Mandate was removed from HCR legislation. In addition, I heard on CNN-Radio today that the Democrats running for Congress and Senate are rarely mentioning Healthcare Reform in their speeches and commercials.

Howard Dean is an extremist liberal with a really LOUD mouth, but he's also strategic-saavy. He was screaming for Single-Payer healthcare and demonizing health insurers right up to the final HCR vote. Howard Dean would LOVE to drive the health insurance companies out of business, thereby making Government Ran Socialized Medicine the only option left on the table.