Dem Strategy- Smart and Not So Smart


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Removing the abortion language so that they could live to fight for another day was very smart, even if they had to do it through gritted teeth. Leaving the gay family piece in........ahhh......not so much. I say that without regard to whether it should ultimately be or not be included. It will blow up on them bigtime. They need to decide whether they want to treat the bill like a christmas tree and hang every wish list on it or whether they want to strip it down to fighting weight and try to run with the core areas of agreement. Not saying that shouldnt remove that loan forgiveness for veternarians provision. Probably that is still crucial.

Health Care Bill Recognizes Gay Families | On Top Magazine :: Gay & Lesbian News, Entertainment, Commentary & Travel
Loan forgiveness for veterinarians. No tax on union benefits, but a tax on diabetic test strips. A tax on incomes above $1,000,000 and a tax (plus jail time) on those who fail to comply. Increased benefits for Indians (the native ones, not those from India). More government jobs (with benefits of course) via the 111 new bureaucracies. Expanded Medicaid & SCHIP but 4 states, including Prince Harry's home state of Nevada, are exempt from funding the expansion. Free health insurance for those making up to 133% of the FPL and subsidies for those earning up to 300%.

Gosh, there is something for everyone there.

BTW, does Al know you are reading Gay & Lesbian news?
Well, it would seem to me that vets are better equipped to spay and neuter than most physicians. Perhaps the loan forgiveness is the first step in making human spay & neuter as easy at the vet's office as it is for an animal.

Did you know that Octomom recently said she would like to have another child?
I thought it was kind of funny watching the proceedings on CSPAN when the veterinarian question was brought up by someone and the Dem leader tried to explain it by saying "....ever heard of SWINE FLU?!?!?!" to which the person responded "what does that have to do with loan forgiveness?"

I LOL'd at that exchange.
Our own Mr Bill provided that link. Had so much fun watching I posted it on my blogs.

Right but while attending to that he failed to notice articles in the press about Goldman Sachs employees getting the h1N1 vaccine even before health care workers. I know he is concerned about their wellbeing over at GS so probably he had no outrage over it.

After the press, and there was some coverage, they decided to donate their vaccine to local hospitals.

Speaking of swine flu, here are some interesting facts you can find if you plug around on the CDC site.

To date, some 38M doses of swine flu vaccine have been "ordered or available."

Why does this sound like jobs created or saved?

That info came from the CDC via Reuters. The rest is from the

Through 11/6/09 there have been 129 deaths from confirmed swine flu. Approximately 2/3 had other health issues that may have contributed to their death.

So far over 70M doses of seasonal flu vaccine have been made available from a total dosage of 114M.

The number of deaths related to seasonal flu each year is . . . 36,000.

Not dismissing the 129 deaths, but compared to 36,000 it sure seems like Rahm (never waste a good crisis) Emanuel has his fingers in this.