DHK: "I am taking on a limited number of agents."


5000 Post Club
Well... not exactly, but at least I got your attention! :) (Thank you @WinoBlues for the headline idea from the 5,000 post club!)

I am now a part of something bigger than myself and I want to be sure to share that with the forum.

I personally believe that everyone should HEAR what we do with The Breakaway League... but I know it isn't for everybody.

Tom Love (Ohio National top producer) is holding a webinar called "What Nobody Tells You About Taxes" next Tuesday. I've posted MDRT presentations of Tom Love in my "Getting Started" sticky thread.

Yes, I can 'tease' you with the sizes of the cases (mid-5 to mid-6 figure premium cases)... but it's more about the education you can deliver to your clients than the commissions you can earn.

If you'd like to hear more about what *I* am very excited about, I invite you to register for the webinar and check it out for yourself.

This is my forum compliant link:

Here is the link to register:
Click the Breakaway league link above. On the left side is the soonest event for April 21st.

Click the image and you can register on that page.

Please indicate "other" and say DHK. I get "bragging rights" for how many people register and attend. :)

I hope that helped?
After you check out the webinar on April 21st, the boot camp is where Tom will go into a great deal of detail about the 'how' of what we do. It's good and you wouldn't want to miss this!

If I may, I would categorize it differently than just 'training'.

The boot camp is training, definitely. And Tom lays it all out and doesn't hold anything back. I've been on several of these.

But the ongoing mentoring program is what Sandler Training would call "reinforcement training". With two Monday morning calls and a Tuesday morning call... and ongoing mentoring from a mentor... I believe it's priceless compared to what is charged.

Just my thoughts.
Registration closed for 4-21-2020.png The webinar for Tuesday is now full! I know a few of you have registered - and I hope after the webinar, you'll come back on this thread and post your thoughts of what you've learned!