I don't know if I should give the piece any more publicity, but here's a part of the email:
Wow! I'm just chomping at the bit to get on board with a great deal like this! WTF??
And I don't remember opting in to get this type of email from them, but it keeps me informed, I guess.
Now, you can do a mailer at a cost of only $55 per 1,000 pieces mailed. The minimum order is 10,000. The leads generated are Fresh and Exclusive The mailer makes it clear that this is for final expense insurance, and even has a place for prospects to check off a death benefit amount which they seek.
Although there are no guarantees as to how many cards will be returned - we believe that a reasonable expectation would be 2 cards per 1,000 mailed -- or a cost of $27.50 per lead.
Wow! I'm just chomping at the bit to get on board with a great deal like this! WTF??
And I don't remember opting in to get this type of email from them, but it keeps me informed, I guess.