Do Most P&C Agents Sell Life


1000 Post Club
I'm not talking about state farm, allstate etc. i'm talking about the independent. I would lie to market to them and offer them a $50 referral fee. Would that make sense or am I wasting my time. I'm in the Chicago area.

Thanks for your help.

I don't know about the Chicago area, but in the CA Bay area, I would say 98% are licensed to sell life, 95% are appointed to sell life and 50% actually sell life.

My guess is a $50 referral fee will politely get you shown the door. You can try it, just not sure what the motivation will be. 50% of the first year revenue would probably be a better opening position.

In general, P&C agents are control freaks. You'll have a hard time convincing one to send business out that they can write themselves. Most will say no, but a few will at least consider outsourcing life. You will be looking for those 'few', not the majority.

Most of them sell life, I know I do. Just try and few things and see what works best.
Speaking from experience...most p/c guys skim the cream off the top and write them policies. If you offered to place the coverage through a carrier they write P&C with so they'd get credit and you'd take a split you'd get some takers. You willing to work for 60-70% of the commission you get now ? I think the $50 idea is going to hit some bumps :1wink:
70/30 split gets some takers, but mainly the people that just really don't know how to sell life.