Okay, (mostly) everyone knows I started a med supp agency. I have taken a lot of time researching leads, tools, and training a few agents. I've experienced a lot of trial and error and I'm not nearly done yet, but I have to share this story.
One of my agents used to sell individual health insurance, the most she had ever written in one day (working on her own) was one policy.
She is now part of a supportive team, attends weekly meetings, gets continuous sales training (products training also), gets daily encouragement, and she has accountability & realistic goals, and she is positioned to achieve them.
What happened?
She wrote 5 med supp policies yesterday and 3 Thursday!
8 policies in two days!!
Please remember, the past does not dictate the future and there are no limits to what you can accomplish unless you impose them upon yourselves!!!
Sell like rock stars!!
One of my agents used to sell individual health insurance, the most she had ever written in one day (working on her own) was one policy.
She is now part of a supportive team, attends weekly meetings, gets continuous sales training (products training also), gets daily encouragement, and she has accountability & realistic goals, and she is positioned to achieve them.
What happened?
She wrote 5 med supp policies yesterday and 3 Thursday!
8 policies in two days!!
Please remember, the past does not dictate the future and there are no limits to what you can accomplish unless you impose them upon yourselves!!!
Sell like rock stars!!