Doing Blog Article on GEICO, Esurance, Etc. Sales Agents.


New Member
I am an independent agent in California and have a web site with a blog.

Getting ready to do a blog post that I plan to focus on the lack of experience of the sales agents for direct writers. Besides just focusing on their typical inexperience (they average under 3-years in a recent survey of DOI licensing records that I did :err: ), I am planning to get some quotes, giving me the opportunity to ask some questions to demonstrate their ignorance and the value of having a real agent. Stuff like vicarious liability, primary medpay vs. excess medpay, etc.. All worded to be a believable question from Joe Consumer. I need a few more questions though.

So agents, anyone have some suggested topics/questions that I can use? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

As a thank you, feel free to use my survey as a selling point... "A recent survey indicated that call center agents average under 3 years licensing, 15% of them under 6-months, 25% of them under 1 year." :biggrin:

Thanks in advance.
How does this compare with the average number of years licensed for a CSR at an agency? I assume not much different.

To be honest, only insurance agents will care about this type of article. Joe Consumer, for the most part, won't. They are fine going and shopping online and thinking they are saving a few dollars. You have to find an approach that matters to the average person.

Now, someone who has filed a claim recently knows the difference,

To me, prospects are mostly focused on:
- Price
- Ease of doing business
- Convenience (can I get a proof of insurance easily)
- Not being hassled with buying more than they need

This is a challenge for a lot of agents, since they are usually not working on weekends or evenings. Most don't have portals for clients to make changes to their policy, much less run various scenarios. Most agents do very well with claims, but this is usually just putting them in touch with the right person and setting expectations.

Bottom line, what would I rather have as a consumer? A 15 year veteran that I can only call 9-5 to get a proof of insurance so I can take my kids on their school field trip OR an 800 number that has a 6 month licensed person there I can call till midnight who will email it to me OR a website that I can just go download and print it?

Not everyone will answer that question the same, but, most would like to be able to get it (and they don't care from who) when they need it, not at an agents convenience.

You can knock the direct writers all you want (and often, rightfully so), but you have to learn to compete with them, not just know why you are better.
