Easy Life Sales for P&C Agents


100+ Post Club
Thanks to input from contributors to this forum we have refined our Life Sales program for P&C agents.

Attend a free, no obligation 15 minute webinar on how to easily make life sales to your current clients and make an extra $35,000- $50,000.

Pre-registration is required. Send me an email and I will reply with the links. Dates are Mon 11/7 and Wed. 11/9 at 2:00PM Eastern.
If I sold P and C, I would go to it.

I think it is a good idea for P and C agents to try and cross sell their clients.
PM sent, curious to see from the Indy p&c agent's perspective what is recommended to sell life...I know as the captive dog I am, they want us to force it down our client's throat so They give us some """tips and tricks""" (triple quotations)