Email from UNH..... CMS Files Are In!


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UNH 4:03 pm EST files from CMS for AEP are in. Payment expected 8/3. I was told they would be following each pay period with more TRUE-UP's.
I wonder why companies can't say, "we got the files today and we are starting to pay agents today"?

Why is it always, "we'll start paying agents at the end of the week/month"?

We have been hearing this garbage since last Nov. Here we are one week from August, companies are rolling out their 2010 plans, yet, they can't pay agents for their work in '08?

CMS told the companies to make partial payments in Feb. and then to "true up" as the data came available. Not a single comapny made partial payments to agents. Then when CMS gave the companies the lists, the companies balked at paying got the language changed so that they wouldn't have to pay. There were enough squeaky wheels to get it changed back and the companies were provided with the same lists they were given in May. What the hell is the hold up? I know Humana and Pyramid are fighting the payment of agents tooth and nail. Will they prevail again? Right now it appears they will.