Employer with 1099 Employee- Group Health?


New Member
Hey everyone,

I briefly spoke to a buddy of mine who works at a large company with 50+ employees however, from what I was told the majority of the employees are 1099's. I know a 1099 is not considered an "employee" but a contracted individual. The employer is considering offering health insurance to his employees and my question is with mostly all 1099 employees is there a way to offer group health insurance? Thanks!
If you aren't in the market now, go read the threads about getting started in group sales.
Talking to a "wholesaler" AKA GA or FMO about carriers you could offer will be helpful.
I don't know of any who would do 1099 workers as a true group, but you should check.
At this time, you could offer individual plans to each employee, learn about the Marketplace, and help them see what plans work best for them. If they qualify for a subsidy, write them in Marketplace, if not, you can write them with no underwriting in whatever plan they choose from carriers offering individual health off Marketplace. All effective 1/1/14 for Marketplace, or up to 4/1/2014.
Lots of us are doing that now, as some groups don't have 100% of employees in the group anyway.
Depending on their health and the rates, some might be better off to buy an individual plan before the carrier's cut off date in 2013, and keep it into 2014.