Equitable L&C exiting the FE business


Still Here!
5000 Post Club
Niota, TN
Just notified that Equitable is discontinuing sell the Heritage Protector.. Another one bites the dust.. Wonder who is next when it come to FE?
Just notified that Equitable is discontinuing sell the Heritage Protector.. Another one bites the dust.. Wonder who is next when it come to FE?
Might as well toss Equitable in the trash bin. What have they got left. I won't sell their cancer policy anymore. Turns out that they won't cover a biopsy unless it's a minimum size. Nice to find that out when a claim is filed. I told them that was deceptive because nowhere in any material we have does it say that. I threw out their supplies, and will replace the cancer policies I've placed with them.

I used to really like Equitable. Things can sure change in a hurry.
They just recently withdrew thieir Medicare supplements from North Carolina. I have written
7 Heritage Protectors the last month. I did not enjoy dealing wih their underwriting anyway.
I've carried them for years because I got my E&O from them. Only ever sold one cancer policy for them, and it lapsed after a couple months. The FE product never impressed me, anyway. I've got better options for cancer policies, too, although I don't really write it (unless somebody pops up and asks me for it!). They seem to push med supp pretty hard, but I don't do that either. I won't terminate my contract, though. You never know - I might need something from them one day.