
I PASSED!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited. After talking to people on here and other agents I know, I was petrified because I thought it would be super-hard exam. While it wasn't the easiest thing I've done, it wasn't the hardest either. My score was 78%. I probably would've done even better but I was so consumed with waiting for extra-hard questions and I think that kind clouded my focus.
If I had to give advice to people preparing for the exam, it would be; don't over-study, don't try to remember every single thing and focus on the areas you know the most about in order to offset your weak areas. Reading and learning from the threads on this forum helped me to see practical application to the material I studied in the book. Actually, I remembered things I read here, that I didn't recall studying in the book. Thanks Guys ,:) Now the real work begins!
You are correct about the real work beginning. A lot of the stuff you learned to pass the exam you will never use. Now you have to learn how to market your products and close sales.

Congrats, and good luck.
I remember about two days after I passed my exam, I thought to myself "You know, I know what a Taft-Hartley trust is now...but how in hell do I sell this stuff?"

The fun part is about to begin - welcome aboard :)
Congrats!! It's like a commencement upon graduation, it means the beginning!!

Rock it!!