Excess Market - Declinations


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Anyone out here use the excess market much?
We do and in recent days we have had difficulty obtaining actual declinations from our carriers. In prior years we would submit a acord app and they would email or fax a declination. Now no one wants to even look at a acord app everyone wants to submit through the online rater etc...

just looking for some input.

I love the online raters, it waay faster than working up the apps, submitting them , then waiting and waiting... i always would rather get a realtime response. maybe the excess markets you're using need the boot?
The question is not about using the excess market. NY state law requires 3 declinations from an admitted carrier. That is the issue here. Most carriers only use the online rater. And an online rater does not give a declination. just asks if it meets the underwriting guidelines which the risk does not. and back to square 1 we are.
Try writing your policies with your carriers first (which you would rather write with anyways). If they cannot do it then you go to your surplus lines. They simply need the name of the company that could not do it.