Explanation Please


Due to Prudential's "No-Share" environment, we work with several
different vendors for list processing and marketing . This allows us
to utilize this marketing opportunity without having customers

please explain this quotation. What do they mean "without having customers opt-in"?
When building a marketing list, "opt-in" lists are lists customers volunteer to be on. These types of lists are usually newsletter signups, recipe of the day type things, or support mailing lists when you buy an online product.

Lists that don't require members to opt-in are much larger, but also have a smaller percentage of people who have a chance at being interested.
Thanks souldex for the definition of opt-ins

Lists that don't require members to opt-in are much larger, but also have a smaller percentage of people who have a chance at being interested.

However, with regards to affinity groups because the sales leads are a higher quality, response rates are higher than traditional direct mail or cold calls. For example, Prudential’s Group Insurance first-time response rates with association members are 1%. However, the positive response rate climbs as high as 15% from current clients for a new product advertised in its association business. And higher response rates translate into lower acquisition costs.