FE Remote Signature Options


Super Genius
I got some cheap leads from another state to far to drive to. I am looking for a few good carriers that will allow me to complete an EApp over the phone with my client and collect the signature by voice, text or email. Does the Forum have any easy to use?
Easiest is Accendo/ Aetna ... No phone calls to HO, just ask the client to give the answer to a security word of their choice. .. SNL and Colombian also have easy processes but you do have to make a call to record the voice signature with them. All three have eApps and Colombian allows you to use a paper app..
I got some cheap leads from another state to far to drive to. I am looking for a few good carriers that will allow me to complete an EApp over the phone with my client and collect the signature by voice, text or email. Does the Forum have any easy to use?
LBL & AmAm.
LOL....and the prices are among the highest (other than the Super Preferred which very few qualify for). It's NOT SO great!

Always have to bash other companies. Our value is better than any other policy. Not everything is based solely on price. If it was everyone would drive Kia's and no one would drive a Mercedes. I'm extremely confident in the value of the products I sell. I'm not new to this business. But thank you so much for your opinion.
Always have to bash other companies. Our value is better than any other policy. Not everything is based solely on price. If it was everyone would drive Kia's and no one would drive a Mercedes. I'm extremely confident in the value of the products I sell. I'm not new to this business. But thank you so much for your opinion.
Hey, Jill! You're new to the forums. Welcome! Bringing up SL in your first post is a very gutsy move! ;)
One size DOES NOT fit all. I am always suspicious of those who promote one carrier. PS - I own a Kia and a Mercedes...
Senior Life has a complete telesales system with only a voice signature required. It's great!
I'll give SL credit for being among the first to develop telesales with voice sig. But it's not so unique as it once was. My go to company (LBL) was also an early adopter, and have markedly improved the system since its inception. Since the onset of COVID, several FE companies have developed similar systems.
Always have to bash other companies. Our value is better than any other policy. Not everything is based solely on price. If it was everyone would drive Kia's and no one would drive a Mercedes. I'm extremely confident in the value of the products I sell. I'm not new to this business. But thank you so much for your opinion.
Is claiming your value is more than any other company not bashing all other companies? :skeptical: