Fight Back a Little ...?


1000 Post Club
John Boehner | Fighting for Freedom. Making a Difference. |

We went to this site and explained how our income is to be cut in half while our operating expenses have not been. More economic "stimulus" I guess ...
Who and what is next?
Time to get "united"as ins. brokers?

We asked them directly whether or not MLR would be repealed along with the rest of this legislation as he said they would do. There are hundreds of thousands of ins. brokers nationwide; let's let the G.O.P hear from us all?
While we are contemplating and commiserating; could we maybe come together on this in the best interest of all of us?
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Boehner and gang need to hear from private citizens as well as the NAHU?
ins.Dave: Regardless of what may ultimately become of the MLR, commissions aren't going back to 20%. Even if repealed, forgetaboutit brother. Obama and Pelosi got what they wanted: a dagger into our industry...We are a part of the problem, remember? There should be no profit motive anywhere in the medical industry. We are evildoers to them.
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ins.Dave: Regardless of what may ultimately become of the MLR, commissions aren't going back to 20%. Even if repealed, forgetaboutit brother. Obama and Pelosi got what they wanted: a dagger into our industry...We are a part of the problem, remember? There should be no profit motive anywhere in the medical industry. We are evildoers to them.

If you can't take 2 mins. to be heard DIRECTLY as an American citizen; then all I can say is we deserve whatever we are handed.
Who give's a damn about Obama and Pelosi; there are hundreds of thousands of brokers in this country.
I say we overload Boehner's server with emails of political support.
We know who the enemy is; so let's go after them?
Hey, Dime, I 've no issue with p*ss'n / moan'n but, could we throw a punch every now and then while doing so?
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John Boehner | Fighting for Freedom. Making a Difference. |

We went to this site and explained how our income is to be cut in half while our operating expenses have not been. More economic "stimulus" I guess ...
Who and what is next?
Time to get "united"as ins. brokers?

We asked them directly whether or not MLR would be repealed along with the rest of this legislation as he said they would do. There are hundreds of thousands of ins. brokers nationwide; let's let the G.O.P hear from us all?
While we are contemplating and commiserating; could we maybe come together on this in the best interest of all of us?

Looks promising
Thanks for the nod medx.
To me at least; we can only support each other in this because no one else outside of the ins. industry cares.
We can rant on about how this won't stop with the health ins. industry and how this is an effrontery to free markets and free enterprise ... all John Q public is thinking is that perhaps this will save him money.
So it is a shame that each broker can't take a moment to email the speaker of the house to let the g.o.p.know that if they want our support that we expect an repeal of M.L.R.
Each of our 20 agents are doing so.
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Sending emails to politicians is about as effective as, well, pissing and moaning to ourselves. You need to do something that gets media attention, and then you need to have an answer for why YOU want to raise health insurance premiums, because trust me, that is the way the media will play it.

Since I don't believe the repeal of MLR would impact commissions in a positive manner, I'm not going to lose a lot of sleep over trying to fight this. As HealthGuy said, and I've said previously, the 20% commission ship has sailed and then sunk. We are in a new reality now.

As an agent, you have a choice. The good news is, many agents will leave the business, meaning the same pie gets divided among fewer people. Now, your choices are:

- Blame the world on MLR and take the paycut.
- Blame the world on MLR and get out of the industry
- Like it or not, realize the world has changed, find a way to work in the new reality, do a lot of automation and networking, increase your volume. Yes, work a full 8 hour day now.

Personally, I see health moving more into the P&C business model. You will need volume to survive, same as a P&C agent does. With volume, you learn to thrive on the residuals and use FYC to market. Since health has little service work involved, the residuals are lower than P&C, but then the work is less.

Just start thinking about what it is going to take to double, or even triple, your existing book of business. Get busy doing it. Limit pissing and moaning to one hour a week.

Yeah, thank's for that sage advice ...?
Don't worry about me dj. Homey gonna be just fine. Because you are too apathetic to send someone in a position of power an email, doesn't mean it isn't a good idea.
This b.s. came about because of politics so why not at least tell the g.o.p what we expect?
As far as limiting the moaning to one hour a week ... it's been a year since I've been on here. K?
I'll put my work ethic and 40 apps. a month on the table with any of you monkeys.
Peace out. ... Dan.