I try to operate on the principal of the more information you have the more intelligent and informed decisions you will make. With that in mind I went out looking for a source for a list of MA providers that are currently not in CMS's favor for one reason or another. And, I found it.
Acutaully, CMS puts the list out itself. You can find it here:
Enforcement Actions
under "Enforcement Actions"
Furthermore you can also acquire a list of MA providers that CMS currently requires a "Corrective Action Plan" from here:
"CAP Summary Report"
And just to cmob this information is public information and is provided for informational purposes only and is neither an endorsement nor a criticism of any particular company that may or may not be listed.
Good luck and decide wisely.
Acutaully, CMS puts the list out itself. You can find it here:
Enforcement Actions
under "Enforcement Actions"
Furthermore you can also acquire a list of MA providers that CMS currently requires a "Corrective Action Plan" from here:
"CAP Summary Report"
And just to cmob this information is public information and is provided for informational purposes only and is neither an endorsement nor a criticism of any particular company that may or may not be listed.
Good luck and decide wisely.