Free Lead in Al to Good MA Agent


5000 Post Club
Hanson, Ky
This laddy needs to get on help for here part B premium and part D help. Then she could be placed on a MAPD from the savings and be in much better shape than she is now. She is 63. Drop me a e-mail if interested and I will call you. I do not have a experienced agent close enough to do this. I will have her call you if I think you can take care of her after we talk. Should be a first time sale so it will pay the 400 she just has original medicare. If I do not get someone in 2 days I am going to give this to another partner in the area.

Jim Sowder
Family 1st Insurance Brokerage
fax: 206-337-3753
[EMAIL="[email protected]"][email protected][/EMAIL]

This sounds like a job for Tom Highway. Good man and good agent.
This sounds like a job for Tom Highway. Good man and good agent.
Thanks for the kind words and the vote of confidence! I sent Jim an email, and we'll have to see what we call "whereabouts" this lady is, and could possibly be of help.

Interestingly enough, I've been going through a time of introspection lately after UnitedHealtcare laid me off from my network contracting gig with them, and that may be God's way of saying that I need to jump in with both feet and be an agent only, and not do it part time or on the side.
let me get this straight. This lady isn't even eligible to be enrolled, first someone has to fill out the application to get her extra help, and THEN enroll her in a mapd once the SEP is created?

sorry but if an agent has time to do all that, he needs more leads! I wouldn't do that for someone in my town!