Funny Way to Get a Response


1000 Post Club
I've been working these turning 65 leads that I received. I've sent the information out to the clients after speaking with them. I then did a follow up letter about 2 weeks later. I think I sent out 10 letters. One of them I decided I wouldn't send the letter to at the last minute and pulled it from the stack. I had the envelope all filled out and postage on it and then changed my mind. I ended up accidently sending out the letter to this one person with nothing in it and not sealed. Out of the 10 people I mailed to, she was the only one that called. She was worried because it was empty. She then told me she was mailing in her med supp app tomorrow.

I explained to her I was just sending a follow up letter and apologized for not enclosing it. I had sent out quite a few that day.

Anyways.....that might be an interesting way to get a prospect to call you back, especially if you're having a hard time being able to catch them at home or if they're ignoring your phone calls.....just a thought
You have stumbled upon Dale Carnage's method of getting a response. When Dale's sister complained that her sons never responded to her letters he wrote his nephews letters catching them up on daily family business and ending with P.S I have enclosed $5 for you to help with expenses. Of course with no money in the envelope Dale received letters from his nephews as fast as the mail could run.
That reminds me...when I used to mail applications in to the insurance company, I used to staple a $5 bill to my applications with a note that everyone should take a 5 minute Dr. Pepper break before they process my deal so they were fresh.
There was a 6 person team at Assurant back then and I got great customer service out of all of them.
Big Red Stamp on the outside of the letter


Then at the top of the letter you literally glue a shiny penny.
(still under one ounce, no additional postage needed.)

The letter begins in Big Bold Font

"A Penny for Your Thoughts"

What would you think about.........
Having the peace of mind knowing that your family was protected by BLAH BLAH BLAH Product.

They will open the letter!
Big Red Stamp on the outside of the letter


Then at the top of the letter you literally glue a shiny penny.
(still under one ounce, no additional postage needed.)

The letter begins in Big Bold Font

"A Penny for Your Thoughts"

What would you think about.........
Having the peace of mind knowing that your family was protected by BLAH BLAH BLAH Product.

They will open the letter!

That is an EXCELLENT idea
I am breathlessly anticipating a clever response from Mark Rosenthal as soon as he gets through the grieving over his pet Praying Mantis.
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