- 1,240
I've been working these turning 65 leads that I received. I've sent the information out to the clients after speaking with them. I then did a follow up letter about 2 weeks later. I think I sent out 10 letters. One of them I decided I wouldn't send the letter to at the last minute and pulled it from the stack. I had the envelope all filled out and postage on it and then changed my mind. I ended up accidently sending out the letter to this one person with nothing in it and not sealed. Out of the 10 people I mailed to, she was the only one that called. She was worried because it was empty. She then told me she was mailing in her med supp app tomorrow.
I explained to her I was just sending a follow up letter and apologized for not enclosing it. I had sent out quite a few that day.
Anyways.....that might be an interesting way to get a prospect to call you back, especially if you're having a hard time being able to catch them at home or if they're ignoring your phone calls.....just a thought
I explained to her I was just sending a follow up letter and apologized for not enclosing it. I had sent out quite a few that day.
Anyways.....that might be an interesting way to get a prospect to call you back, especially if you're having a hard time being able to catch them at home or if they're ignoring your phone calls.....just a thought