Gentlemans Ranch


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Folks as the last few posts dictate I'm new, I'm looking for specific carriers and need your help. I've found that Agricultural is a lot different than Small Busininess. Before I resigned at my last post I was working on a ranch that I was told I could write through farmers or their self owned commercial brokerage kraft&lake. However I later found that this was misleading, they meant I could write it sometime in the future. Before I was told this fact I had already told my best friends father that I could get him a quote on his ranch, its mainly a nonworking ranch, they don't have any owned cattle (rent a few acres to neighboring cattle farm for grazing) have a couple family owned horses (no riding by non family members, no renting and no one else brings their horses for riding or boarding etc.) 560 acres and about 11 structures that includes the family residence and 3 rentals along with hay 2 hay barns, tool shed, etc. etc. etc.) They do grow oats and harvest once a year but its a modest harvest, maybe 5-15 acres and they do it more for fun and a little extra cash. They hire an outside contracter to spread seed and bail hay and then sell it off. At most 500 Bails max ( I saw and helped pull in the bails for fun last year, great fun doing it for a day or two haha). This is in Santa Barbara County, California. I've got some egg on my face because I was unable to write it after telling them I could, I'm hoping someone knows a carrier who would allow a new Indy agency to write this type of policy. The owner was told only a couple companies at all work for something like this and he pays around 12-13K currently for what he has with Allied Insurance. Can anyone point me in the direction of something I could write for him that could beat this price and offer similar insurance as Allied does. He's been with them 13 years and the prices just keep edging up year after year and they could use all the pennies they can get these days. If I can get their payment down and still cover them for structures and liability similar to what they have now they'll both give me the business and refer me to other ranchers in the area (small tight knit community as they usually are in farm towns.) Its a huge deal for me, both to help this family who's become my parents away from home and also to step into an arena I feel I could help as my family has a background in farming as well. (father was a farmer in Yuma, AZ).

Thanks as always folks, you've given me great advise so far, keep it coming!
You can try John Harford at Avreco. His number is 1-312-294-6306. John has been good to me over the years. If he cant help you, he may know who can.