Getting an Appointment to Sell P&C in TX


My name's Justin. I have just passed the exam for P&C. I want to start my own agency selling P&C insurance to contractors as that is my area of expertise. I have owned a general contracting company for 7 years. So I know the business and I know how to open and run a business. I am looking to get into insurance due to the slow down in my market. I have been told that it is impossible to get an appointment without prior insurance sales. If that is true I will have to go to work for a broker. However, I would much rather go it on my own, and I know I can make it work, if I can just get an appointment. Is this a possibility or am I just "whistling dixie?"

Thanks, any suggestions would be appreciated.
for contractors you do not need direct appointment, just contract with wholesalers specialized in contractors, such as BTIS & Burns & Wilcox.They will also help you with any questions you may have.
That said contractors programs are rather complicated and you need to learn a lot about coverages they need.
good luck.
Thanks for your response. In TX you have to have a sponsor/insurer to sign for you for licensing. Will the companies you mentioned do that?


Looks like this thread dried up. But I had a question on this subject. When you are appointed with a carrier, what type of production levels do they typically expect?
Thanks for your response. In TX you have to have a sponsor/insurer to sign for you for licensing. Will the companies you mentioned do that?



I am not sure. Talk to BTIS. We got licensed in Tx. few months ago and did not have any sposors , but we have direct appointment with Travelers and Hartfod.