Going for Long Term Care Health Insurance Coverage?

Provided they have all their other financial bases covered first...then yes.
But I have never seen a 20 year old that was in that position.
At that age they would definitely want lifetime benefit and 5% compounding inflation protection.
Would it be advisable for a person in his/her twenties to go for Long Term Health Insurance Coverage?

Also (if you are a consumer not an agent) be sure not to confuse it with Long Term Disability. Two different animals altogether and the need is different as well.
No. The future is too uncertain. With the direction that the US is headed, it's doubtful that a person in need of ltc would be kept alive 50 years from now.

If you have any assets, and have outlived your "earning years" the government of the future will want to seize them, regardless of an Ltc policy. If you have no assets, draw your own conclusion.
No. The future is too uncertain. With the direction that the US is headed, it's doubtful that a person in need of ltc would be kept alive 50 years from now.

If you have any assets, and have outlived your "earning years" the government of the future will want to seize them, regardless of an Ltc policy. If you have no assets, draw your own conclusion.

probably right. 50+ people will likely just be harvested as needed for body parts and soylent green.
I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.
probably right. 50+ people will likely just be harvested as needed for body parts and soylent green.
I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.

That's actually worse than what I expect. His question was about someone in their 20's and I expect people in their 70's to be in grave danger in the years to come.

The bitter irony is the number of people over 55 that vote for the left, and for those over 60, it's a tragic miscalculation.

It is better to go for long term care health insurance coverage. Long term insurance will help and you will get the benefit for Health Insurance.

Mike Wilson