Got a New Look


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
My site has been reworked to give a fresher look. Mostly the same material plus some new. Some pages waiting on me to generate more content. Others waiting on final touches. Overall I am very pleased with the new look. Moved to a new server with more control than I had with my old site.

Thanks to Kurt Warner (Colorado newbie) for all his hard work.
The other site was more "compact".

For me, you're homepage is too "long" for a lack of a better word.
By long, I assume you mean more verbiage.

Some of that is just appearance, due to larger font and bigger graphics to go along with the wider version.

But there is also added content. I actually did that a few months ago and it moved me up on page 1 of Google. So the biggest difference in this landing page and the old one is font size + wider.
I don't mind it being "long" for the simple fact that if I don't want to read all the "stuff", I can just stay at the top where the important information is. If I want a little more, I can scroll down. Do you still have the old site up somewhere where we can compare?
Old site is in storage, not online. The guy who built the site was screwing around with access to the site, etc. Due to the size and roadblocks from the guy who built it, it was a pain to move and took much longer than anticipated.

As indicated, the verbiage on the landing page is essentially the same as it has been for the last 4 months or so. Only difference is the "look" including a larger font.
I have to admit that the big font makes it look a little jumbled. Also, is there a way to line up your bullets? My guess is that they got messed up when increasing font size.
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Also, the links at the bottom blend in to the blue background.
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