

100+ Post Club

This has been the best decision I have made, some may remember me asking for a little group ins. advice a few months back.

I closed the group 185 members, I made 2 slight changes in the current plan raised co-pay from $20 to $30 and deductible from $1000 to $ 1500 saved over 90 grand in premium, added dental and got 90% participation and got ltd, std and life.

I didn't split commissions, wasn't ever really opposed to it just hated everybody almost demanding it as being the only way. I did set them up on a 125 plan I think and they think was a great choice and I am working on a referral from the companies owner to do the same for his buddy.
Congrats dandan! Were u able to keep them with the incumbent carrier? Sounds like it worked out just about perfect.

Now the hard work begins...servicing a group that size (& doing it well). Hopefully u have an account manager.

My only advice would be to watch the experince. If they run well & have a steady cash flow...consider taking them partially self funded at renewal.

Again, congrats!

Congrats Dan. You'll do well if you stay up with the issues. I agree that an account manager is important. I have seen things fall apart when the accont manager screws things up.
Awesome a group of a 185 is a great hit on the health. It sounds like you have high particiaption on the voluntary products too.

So you wrote a 185 life group from advice you received off of this forum?
Thanks very much, it was quite a learning process. I did a lot of research and a whole lot of listening. The HR women was the biggest help very cooperative very hands on and over eager to make a change.

ABC, I wish I could say that I had the help of the forum, but the only advice anybody here on the group end had for me was to find a group producer and split the commission. When I said I had time on my side and was just asking for a bit of advise I got be it.

I wish all the best!