Has Anybody Received Credit on the Exchange Yet.

Has anybody received credit for selling a plan on the exchange yet?

Try asking in the general forum, Sam. Only a few Illinois agents are members of the forum. Lots of them visit, but never sign-up for an account. You'll get better feedback in the general "Healthcare Reform" forum.

Personally, I'm only selling BCBS-IL Exchange plans. They cost significantly less than Humana, Aetna, Land of Lincoln, & Coventry. Not a single app has shown up in the BCBS-IL back office and I can't get through to them on the phone to ask about it. No doubt they're getting tons of calls.
Your probably right. I'm only going to sell bcbs on the exchange but I'm trying to hold off untill I know I can get credit for them.
We are working with BCBSIL on tracking all of our apps on and off exchange. They are making sure their system is accurate and consistent. We meet twice a week and explain all of our problems. They are doing a great job for us.