Health Care Law Recasts Insurers As Allies

Stories like this force me to take a blood-pressure pill!

1. When the ACA was signed into law, agents were earning 15% to 20% commission.
2. Insurers then told us in 2011 that they were going to have it really tough due to the "changing landscape" of the they cut our commission to 10%.
3. Insurers told us in 2013 that due to the huge burden that taxes and Metal Plan mandates were placing on their bottom line, our commissions would be cut to 6% or less, or, some crazy fixed-rate belly button amount.

All the while, major health insurance company profits, stock prices and dividends keep skyrocketing. The 3% premium tax paid by each insurance client is distributed amongst insurers like spoils taken from a conquered enemy.

What career health agents have put up with since the advent of ObamaCare, would make even Jonathan Gruber blush from trying to find the correct descriptive terminology.
I already two bp pills a day. What makes my blood boil is to spend close to 9 hours with a constant flow of clients and calls, rewrite one client and spouse and worked my butt off and not a dime made. Almost hung it up yesterday, if it wasn't for some new business appts this week I might have. I do not have time to rewrite anyone without getting paid. I am not a charity worker.
I already two bp pills a day. What makes my blood boil is to spend close to 9 hours with a constant flow of clients and calls, rewrite one client and spouse and worked my butt off and not a dime made. Almost hung it up yesterday, if it wasn't for some new business appts this week I might have. I do not have time to rewrite anyone without getting paid. I am not a charity worker.

At least your carrier didn't send a notice at noon on the 14th saying "We're making small changes, no more comp on platinum plans or this other product line-our two most popular options."
major health insurance company profits, stock prices and dividends keep skyrocketing.

2 reasons.

Diversification away from health insurance as a significant income source.

3 R's shoring up and disguising real losses.
December 23, 2015

These "Allies" of Obamacare lost money in 2014, but they re-applied and jumped through all the CMS hoops to sell once again, on the 2015 exchange.

Financial losses in 2015 are greater than they were in 2014, but health insurers are lined up to accept additional losses for 2016.

What are they thinking?!

Also, the Risk Stabilization fund for health insurers who lose money on ObamaCare business dried up this year, because everyone lost money. It won't be available for 2016 either.

Yesterday, CMS sent out notice for Health Insurers to let their 2017 Exchange-Marketplace intentions be known by a certain deadline. It will be interesting to see what the response will be.