- 8,448
Suddenly I get two applications declined for individuals who requested a October 1st effective date. Coincidence? Could underwriters be under pressure from their finance overlords to be extra stingy due to all the new mandates coming?
Aetna: Turned down a 52 year old female who takes a pill for diabetes..since 2002. No other adverse health issues or history. Prior to this, I could always count on good old Aetna to insure middle-aged Type II diabetics on a $5,000 deductible plan.
Celtic: Turned down a 56 year old female who has her Cholesterol and Hypertension controlled with medication. No other negative health factors. Celtic has always EASILY approved these applicants (and worse..) over the past 2 years that I've worked with them. In fact, the reason I contracted with Celtic is because people who were turned down by the "BIG BOYS" were approved by Celtic. They had riders and rate-ups, but they were never declined.
If any of you begin to see a pattern like this with your applicants for 10/1/10 or later, please post your experience and observations in this thread. Thanks in advance.
Aetna: Turned down a 52 year old female who takes a pill for diabetes..since 2002. No other adverse health issues or history. Prior to this, I could always count on good old Aetna to insure middle-aged Type II diabetics on a $5,000 deductible plan.
Celtic: Turned down a 56 year old female who has her Cholesterol and Hypertension controlled with medication. No other negative health factors. Celtic has always EASILY approved these applicants (and worse..) over the past 2 years that I've worked with them. In fact, the reason I contracted with Celtic is because people who were turned down by the "BIG BOYS" were approved by Celtic. They had riders and rate-ups, but they were never declined.
If any of you begin to see a pattern like this with your applicants for 10/1/10 or later, please post your experience and observations in this thread. Thanks in advance.