Hello and THANK YOU for this Forum


New Member
Looking to charge careers! I have met some very sucessful insurance agents over the years and think that it's finally time for me to make the change.... After driving thousands of miles for many years making sales that were dead end, meaning that there were NO renewals, EVER. . . After each sale I was basically out of business until the next..
Well, best of luck to you! Welcome, and you'll find a ton of information in this little piece of cyberspace. The 'search' feature will be your new best friend. Enjoy!
Thank you! I have spent the last 2 days reading hundreds of posts, I think that I may need a new set of eyes. . .

I'm trying to figure out what my "niche" will be but I think that I'm leaning towards Health Ins. After my bout with Stage III Melanoma, I truly understand the need for excellent health coverage. Dr visits, surgery, chemo, more Dr visits oh and not to mention the meds. . . . . That is something that has the potential to totaly ruin a family! Fortunately not only did I have great insurance but I had GREAT Doctors. Today, 7 years later I am cancer free. . .