Hello from Alaska


New Member
Hello all! I luckily found your forum while investigating a new health insurer that was prospecting for agents. I've been in insurance for about 20 years minus family time to be at stay at home mom. Now that my girl is back in school, I'd like to work as a consumer advocate--helping people with insurance questions, complaints, claims, etc. I am licensed in P&C and Life/Health in Alaska. I can't seem to find out anything from the division of insurance about doing advocacy. My business partner & I work with Aflac and a few other minor insurers. But I've found that I really enjoy helping people in matters of all insurance. The trick is to make that an income making endeavor. Any ideas?
Thanks for your time!
Thank you! 2 out of 3 voters do....hmmmm......

I approve of her as well and heard that she has just been to China. I do hope though that she did not shoot any Panda's from a helicopter while she was over there. You know, her international skills arent all that strong as it is.


"You know, her international skills arent all that strong as it is."

Yup, what with Alaska being surrounded by Russia and Canada.
I bet you wish that you could see Sarah Palin's fonts from your window, eh?


Sarah Palin is hot. Nothing like a woman that is good looking, likes to fish and is willing to drag home the kill for today.

By the way, welcome to the forum.
"BTW can you see Russia from your window"

Not so much in the summer. But in the winter, I totally can when I walk my polar bear on the ice flow! :yes: