Hello from Georgia


Hello everyone.

I've been lurking around the site for a month or two now, and thought I should introduce myself.

I am an auditor, CPA, with a large accounting firm in the Atlanta area and am in the process of making a move to financial services.

After looking at several companies, I chose Modern Woodmen of America. I have been very impressed with the company and really like the idea of the fraternal benefits aspect.

My regional director is working with me to ease into the career. I am still auditing while studying for my new career. I plan to have passed the insurance exam and series 7/66 before I start full time at MWA.

I orginally set a goal date of March 15 to make my transition. However, the closer I get the more I want to make the move sooner. Unfortunately, I think March 15 is going to have to stick in order for me to have my wife onboard with the change.

Does anyone have any words of wisdom that could help during my transition period?
Network, Newtwork, Network!!!! You might want to start going to Chamber of Commerce meetings- some of them you don't even have to be a member to go to. Check their websites for both upcoming avents, and also to see if they have a list of members. You might be the only person in that category! Look into other networking groups like LeTip, RBN, etc. Any chance to start meeting people, even casually, are going to be customers some day!
Welcome to the forum. Sorry I've been away, but I hope my team has welcomed you for me.

ALso you need to update/change that state flag on your profile.